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2 diplomas in Taiwan

4th Taiwan International Salon of Photography 2016 Normally I do not do very well in competitions in the Far East. This time however, was succesfull. I participated with 8 images (4 in color and 4 in nature) , I achieved 4 accepted images 50 % acceptance rate, on top of that two of these images achieved diplomas. Definitely approved. One of the Honorable mentions went to the image "Wingspan"

4th Taiwan International Salon of Photography 2016

Jeg har sjældent succes i konkurrencer afholdt i Asien, denne gang var dog anderledes. Jeg deltog med 8 billeder i hhv. kategorien "farve" og "natur" Det blev til i alt 4 antagelser , altså 50%, af de 4 antagne billeder blev de 2 yderligere præmieret med Salon diplomer. Et super godt resultat Et af de præmierede billder er "Wingspan"

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