As only the 5th Dane ever, I have achieved the FIAP Blue Badge in a international salon for best author. I participated with 12 images in all 5 salons, giving a total of 60 images, I achieved 53 accepted images, that is a stunning 89 % acceptance rate. I was also awarded PSA gold medal for the image "Three Guards" and 4 honorable mentions, I also managed to get four new images accepted. I do thank for the corporation from the skilled models, I work with, without them this was not possible. Instagram:

FIAP Blue Badge & PSA Gold in VOJVODINA CIRCUIT 2017 Som kun den 5. dansker nogensinde, har jeg opnået et FIAP Blue Badge, for bedste autor i en international salon. Jeg deltog med i alt 60 billeder, og fik 53 antaget . En helt igennem fantastisk accept rate på 89%. Jeg opnåede desuden PSA guldmedalje, samt yderligere 4 diplomer, af mine billeder, var 4 helt nye værker. Tak til mine samarbejdspartnere for deres bidrag, uden dem ingen medaljer. Instagram: